dinsdag 23 maart 2010

I will get there !

Once I was sad and had sad feelings for my twin soul mate ! I miss him and can not call him anymore but anyway whatever happened, suddenly an Angel came to me, letting me feel my responsibilities towards him ! That I was never satisfied about him or other little details ! During my whole life I deal with ´minor feelings´ such as wanting to be death sometimes, anger at men and now I am beginning to discover that I am very sad because of past lifes ! Sadness, real sadness of past lives ! Not only my father but also past lives ! A lot of sadness comes over me but I transform it through the power of the Angels who assist me ! This is why I am so satisfied about my IET - Integrated Energy Therapy - I already talked about it to a lot of people and now I am beginning to transform ! I am making it useful what I learnt and what I have been through ! It was not easy and still ... but still I persevere and I will get there !

The website I am talking about is www.learnIET.com

- Judi Parvati -

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