woensdag 4 augustus 2010

Hare Krishna bhajan !!!

















dinsdag 3 augustus 2010

The legend of the Goddess Meenakshi ...

Once Indra killed a demon, even though the demon did not harm anyone. This act brought a curse upon Indra that forced him to continue wandering until he was walking around looking for a way where noone would tell him which way to go will redeem him from his sin. After much wandering Indra was freed from his suffering through the power of a Shivalingam in a forest, and so he built a small temple at that site.
It so happened that at that time in South India there was a Pandyan king called Malayadhwaja Pandiyan [1] ruling a small city by the name Manavur, which was quite near to this Shivalinga. He was the son of Kulashekara Pandyan. He came to know about the Shivalinga and decided to build a huge temple for Shiva in the forest Kadambavanam (vanam means forest). He also developed the region into a fine princely state called Madurai.
The king was childless and sought an heir for the kingdom. Shiva granted him his prayers through an Ayonija child (one born not from the womb). This child was three years old and actually the incarnation of goddess Parvati the consort of Shiva. She was born with three breasts and fish-shaped eyes. It was said that the extra breast would disappear when she met her future husband. She was named Mīnachchi, (meaning fish eyed) from the words mīna (meaning fish) and akṣi (meaning eyes).
Shiva the Nataraja performing the Universal danceShe grew up to be a Shiva-Shakti personification. After the death of the king, she ruled the kingdom with skillful administration.
In one of her expeditions she went to the Himalayas and there, on seeing Shiva, her extra breast disappeared. Many of the gods and goddesses came to witness their marriage.

Gopuram of Meenakshi Amman Temple at MaduraiAt the wedding celebrations the gods refused to have the served food unless Shiva performed a majestic dance for everybody gathered at the place. At this there was the dance of Chidambaram, the cosmic dance in front of his wife Minakshi. It epitomised and merged all life force and beauty into one whole. In the end Minakshi was merged with the shivalingam and became the representation of life and beauty.

maandag 2 augustus 2010

About Amma

All the deities that represent the numberless aspects of the one supreme being exist within us. A divine being can manifest any of them by mere will for the good of the world, and KRISHNA BHAVA is the manifestation of the pure being aspect and DEVI BHAVA is the eternel feminine or creatrix. Here is a crazy girl(Mother) who puts on the grab of Krishna and then that of Devi but it is within this crazy girl that both exist." -Mata Amritanandamayi Devi

woensdag 24 maart 2010

dinsdag 23 maart 2010

I will get there !

Once I was sad and had sad feelings for my twin soul mate ! I miss him and can not call him anymore but anyway whatever happened, suddenly an Angel came to me, letting me feel my responsibilities towards him ! That I was never satisfied about him or other little details ! During my whole life I deal with ´minor feelings´ such as wanting to be death sometimes, anger at men and now I am beginning to discover that I am very sad because of past lifes ! Sadness, real sadness of past lives ! Not only my father but also past lives ! A lot of sadness comes over me but I transform it through the power of the Angels who assist me ! This is why I am so satisfied about my IET - Integrated Energy Therapy - I already talked about it to a lot of people and now I am beginning to transform ! I am making it useful what I learnt and what I have been through ! It was not easy and still ... but still I persevere and I will get there !

The website I am talking about is www.learnIET.com

- Judi Parvati -

What kind of Energy is Parvati ?

Shiva's feminine aspect is Parvati. She is the gentler personification of Shiva's energy, Shakti, from which comes the English word, "shock." Shakti is the electrical energy in our body, which gives us life, consciousness and movement. Her power is stored at the base of the spine. When we begin to grow spiritually, that creative force moves up the spine and awakens our innate powers of love, discrimination and wisdom. She dances upward until she freed through the crown of the head, to merge our soul with its divine source in Shiva. So our path of enlightenment is the winding, serpentine movement of Shakti reaching upward to dance with Shiva Nataraj. He carries a trident, representing Sat, Chit, Ananda: Truth, Awareness, and Bliss. The couple sits before a lingam, or sacred stone, which would be found in the central shrine of a Shivite temple.

Aum Ganesha Namaha

When we say Aum Ganeshaya Namah before starting anything, what we are saying is, in what we are about to do, let wisdom be our guide. In a sense, Ganesh is our most powerful god, and he is usually remembered before starting any rituals for other Devas."

dinsdag 16 maart 2010

Life is full of surprises !

Last night I was very sad ! So sad that I would have almost kill myself ;-))) but suddenly my father came in and hugged me saying ´I love you my child´ It was so serene and normal that this came from the Gods straight !!!!!

maandag 15 maart 2010


Loslaten, loslaten, loslaten
ongelooflijk, wat een gevoel !
Het eindigt niet want we moeten naar het Hogere
en daar heb je niets meer !
Niets meer dan Bewustzijn,
niets meer dan een stip.
Het doet ´pijn´ dat loslaten
en toch moet het !
Want als we het niet doen,
zal het ons ook niet lukken om naar ons ´eigen Zelf´ te gaan !

- Judi Parvati -

To let go, to let go, to let go,
what a feeling ! Tiring and exhausting but worthwhile !
It does not end ´cause we have to go to our ´Highest Self´
and ´there´ you have nothing,
nothing but a black spot and
Conscience, only Conscience !
It hurts to let go
but it is our Duty !
If we do not let go, we suffer all the more
and we will not be able to obtain our ´Highest Self´

- Judi Parvati -

donderdag 11 maart 2010

KALI, the Goddess of .....

! Kali is one of the many forms of Shakti. Maha Kaali is the most compassionate of all the forms of goddesses as she provides salvation or liberation to her children. Kali is equivalent to Shiva because both of them are the destroyers of evil fake and unreal. It is considered that with the glimpse...

Saying !

Sans abandonner le goût que procure la langue, tu n´obtiendras pas le goût venant du coeur, le goût de la Realisation de Soi ! - AMMA -

maandag 8 maart 2010

Angel Gabriel

Boodschap van Aartsengel Gabriel

Gabriel is de Engel van de Verkondiging. In deze functie duikt hij meerdere malen op in de bijbel. Verkondiging betekent dat iets met ver- strekkende gevolgen verandert. En Gabriël zegt: "Verheug je", hetgeen niet onze gewoonlijke reactie is. Daarvandaan brengt Gabriël met de boodschap van verandering, met het "laat het oude los en stel je open voor het nieuwe", ook vreugde, helderheid en de kracht die wij voor het nieuwe kunnen gebruiken. Zo kunnen wij precies herkennen wat wij willen en wat ons te doen staat. Gabriël helpt de volgende fase op de levensweg en het doel van het leven duidelijk te herkennen. Daarnaast worden ook de hinderlijke angsten, onvervulde hartstochten en levensinstellingen duidelijk.


zaterdag 6 maart 2010


कलि कलि कलीईईईईइ

Kali kali kaliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii


Hallo allemaal,

Vandaag heb ik een fantastische dag gehad ! Veel vrienden gezien en gedanst en gespeeld ! We zijn samen naar een Hare Krishna feest gegaan in Gent en het was fantastisch ! Krishna was werkelijk aanwezig ! We hebben Bhajans gezongen en gedanst en gefeest ! Het was de max ! Als iemand geínteresseerd zou zijn in hun feestjes is dit hun blogspot nl. iloveindia-concert.blogspot.com !
Hiermede wat reclame !

Eerder op de dag ben ik ook naar de Eco Therapeutica beurs geweest (in mijn hoofd denk ik heel de tijd ´Erotica beurs´, kwestie om geen energie te verliezen aan woorden ;-)))) ) en het was ook gezellig. Er was daar ook een hoge energie qua Engelen en dit was duidelijk voelbaar, Amai Amma !!!! En veel leute da we gehad hebben !!! Krishna was duidelijk aanwezig vandaag !! Thank you God and all the Gods of the World ! The world is getting transformed !!!!!! Thank you, nanni (malayalam), danavad (Hindi), shoukran (euh, Arabisch ....).